Pulicha keerai benefits in English

Pulicha keerai benefits in English:

Hello vangappa, In this post, you are going to learn about “Pulicha Keerai Benefits in English”. Actually, the English name of pulicha keerai is “sour keerai”. Like the name pulicha keerai, the taste is also very sour (pulipu). This keerai is rich in iron, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorous, folic acid, etc. So, there are a lot of nutrients stored inside the pulicha keerai. Moreover, this keerai is very famous in Andhra Pradesh; they are called “Gongura”.

Nowadays, we are eating a lot of junk food, which affects our bodies. All of them like oily and junk foods more than natural foods. Actually, once you take this pulicha keerai with white rice, you never forget the taste. It’s very tasty and healthy. Some people are always very weak because they have lower immunity. Taking this pulicha keerai increases the body’s energy level and boosts immune power.

This keerai is very effective for a growing child; it makes the body fuller and provides strength to the body. Also, it’s very effective for PCOS problems. Ok, let’s see the complete benefits of taking pulicha keerai.

Listed the pulicha keerai benefits in english:

  1. Increases body strength
  2. Boosts immune power
  3. Reduces body heat
  4. Restore buds taste
  5. Relieves sinus problems
  6. Stops hair fall
  7. Reduces body toxins
  8. Decreases bad fat
  9. Maintains blood pressure level
  10. Treats constipation
  11. Improves digestion
  12. Prevents cancer
  13. Treats anemia
  14. Relieves menstruation pains
  15. Supports kidney health.

Also, there are many benefits hidden inside the pulicha keerai. To get all the benefits, let me share the preparation of pulicha keerai kadaiyal.

Ingredients to prepare pulicha keerai kadaiyal:

Steps to prepare pulicha keerai kadaiyal:

  • Step 1: Buy good-quality pulicha keerai at your nearby organic supermarket.
  • Step 2: Take all the ingredients that I mentioned.
  • Step 3: Before starting, take a Sand pot or frying pan, plate, tablespoons, and stirrer.
  • Step 4: Before using any keerai, wash the keerai properly with clean water.
  • Step 5: First, cut the one bunch of pulicha keerai into small pieces and leave them on plates.
  • Step 6: Now, turn on your gas stove and place the sand pot over it. (It tastes better when you use a sand pot. If you don’t have a sand pot, use a frying pan).
  • Step 7: Put the pulicha keerai in the sand pot (don’t add any water; wash the pulicha keerai three times and put them in the sand pot).
  • Step 8: Leave the sand pot until the keerai is sauteed. (Use a low flame on a gas stove.)
  • Step 9: Now, take a new pan for sautéing vendhayam (fenugreek), dry chilli, garlic (pundu), and onion.
  • Step 10: First, put 2 tablespoons of vendhayam (fenugreek) in a frying pan and fry it. After frying, leave the vendhayam on plates. (Don’t add more vendhayam; it causes a bitter taste.)
  • Step 11: Next, put two tablespoons of sesame oil in the frying pan and add 15 fully dried red chilli pieces. After frying, leave the chilli on the plates.
  • Step 12: Now, put 10 pundu (garlic) pieces in the same frying pan and fry them. After frying, leave the pundu on the plates. (Don’t make it dark; fry until it becomes a golden colour.)
  • Step 13: On the other side, don’t forget the pulicha keerai sauté. After sautéing, turn off the gas flame. (Take 5 minutes for total keerai sautéing.)
  • Step 14: Now, it’s time to grind the all-roasted ones. Put the fried vendhayam, dry chilli, and pundu in the mixer jar. Make a powder. (Grind one by one for a soft mix.)
  • Step 15: Add the mixed powder to the sauteed pulicha keerai and add the required amount of salt. Stir it well.
  • Step 16: Finally, sauté pieces of a small onion with mustard seeds. Add it to the pulicha keerai. Mix it well.
  • Step 17: That’s all. The tastiest and healthiest pulicha keerai kadaiyal is ready.

Uses of pulicha keerai kadaiyal:

Pulicha keeraiStregthen the body and eliminate excess body heat.
GarlicBoost immunity and manage blood pressure levels
FenugreekImproves digestion and reduces cholesterol levels.
Dry red chilliIncreases metabolism levels and promotes weight loss.
Small onionSupports gut and heart health.
Sesame oilProvides good fat and lowers cholesterol levels.
Mustard seedsPrevents cancer and aids in digestion
Pulicha keerai benefits in English

Important facts of pulicha keerai:

Today, many younger generation people don’t know about pulicha keerai. Actually, the important fact is that more foreigners are using this keerai in their diet. Let’s see the important benefits of pulicha keerai.

  1. Taking grinded pulicha keerai will cure a cold.
  2. Taking pulicha keerai with Omam cures Mandam (intoxication).
  3. Pulicha keerai with sombu cures tasteless problems.
  4. Pulicha keerai with milagu improves digestion.
  5. Taking Pulicha keerai with barley reduces skin inflammation.
  6. Pulicha keerai with onion and garlic cures fever.
  7. For external usage, applying pulicha keerai on the skin reduces swelling.

Frequently asked questions:

a). Pulicha keerai in English?

The English name of pulicha keerai is “Fermented spinach” or “Sour spinach”.

b). Pulicha keerai in Telugu?

The Telugu name of pulicha keerai is “Gongura”.

c). Pulicha keerai heat or cold?

The pulicha keerai helps in reducing body heat, so it’s cold.

d). Pulicha keerai side effects?

Yes, anything more causes side effects. As a result, taking it once a week is beneficial to one’s health.

e). Pulicha keerai in Kannada?

The Kannada name of pulicha keerai is “Pundi”.


I hope you get good information about “Pulicha Keerai Benefits.” This keerai is very good for health, but don’t take it daily. Instead, take it once a week to get all the benefits optimally. If you like this post, kindly share it with your social media platforms and subscribe to Vangappa for regular updates. Thank you. Learn natural, always vangappa!

By Karthikeyan

Next, read the other interesting post – Mookirattai keerai benefits in english

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