Vembalam pattai benefits and uses

Vembalam pattai benefits and uses:

Hello vangappa, In this post, you are going to learn about “Vembalam pattai benefits and uses”. The vembalam pattai is the rarest herbal plant that is only grown in the tropical zone (Veppa mandalam). In Tamil Nadu, mainly in villages, it’s cultivating for field covering. The other name of vembalam pattai is “Katamudaku”. Most people know that vembalam pattai is effective for hair growth. Apart from hair growth, it provides a lot of health benefits.

This plant can grow up to 5m. Like other plants, this one also gives fruit. But we can’t take any fruits or leaves from that plant. The main power is hidden inside the vembalam tree root, which refers to “Vembalam pattai”. Concerning its benefits, it treats skin rashes, improves hair growth, relieves colds and fevers, treats ulcers and stomach pain, relieves constipation, reduces bone pain, relieves tooth pain, treats kidney stones and jaundice, cures skin burns, reduces body heat, promotes blood circulation, etc. 

Vembalam pattai benefits

Listed the benefits and uses of vembalam pattai:

  • Effective for hair growth
  • Treats any skin problems
  • Treats tooth pain
  • Relieves cold and fever
  • Maintains bone health
  • Reduces body heat
  • Treats jaundice
  • Reduces stomach pain
  • Keep eye health well
  • Relieve kidney stone
  • Treats stomach ulcer

Actually, there are a lot of benefits stored inside this root. The list is very long. Let’s see them one by one. Ok, now I’m going to split its benefits for hair, skin, and health.

  1. Vembalam pattai benefits for hair
  2. Vembalam pattai benefits for skin
  3. Vembalam pattai benefits for health
The best vembalam pattai root – shop now

1. Vembalam pattai benefits for hair:

Vembalam pattai benefits for skin

In India, this root is mainly used for treating hair problems. Even many hair care brands use this root as one of their main ingredients. The simple reason is that vembalam pattai increases blood circulation. Generally, any products that increase blood circulation cause hair growth. Apart from that, this root is rich in hair nutrients.

Now let’s see the preparation and benefits of vembalam pattai hair oil:

Steps to prepare vembalam pattai hair oil:

  • Step 1: Buy a good-quality vembalam pattai (the link is provided above).
  • Step 2: Take all the ingredients that I mentioned above.
  • Step 3: Before starting, take a bowl and a tablespoon.
  • Step 4: First, put 20 grammes of vembalam pattai root in the bowl.
  • Step 5: Next, add a small amount of vetiver root (it’s effective for reducing body heat).
  • Step 6: Buy dry sembaruthi poo and amla, and add them.
  • Step 7: Finally, add a little amount of vendhayam and karunjeeragam (it supports hair growth).
  • Step 8: At last, add 50–100 ml of coconut oil (based on your usage) and mix it well with a tablespoon.
  • Step 9: Now it’s time to leave the oil overnight.
  • Step 10: The next day, you’ll get a thick, red oil; that’s the vembalam pattai oil. (It’s very effective for hair growth.)

Uses of vembalam pattai hair oil:

Ingredients of vembalam pattai hair oilUses
Vembalam pattai (Raw)Promotes blood circulation and increase hair growth.
VetiverVetiver observes your body heat and supports hair growth.
Dry sembaruthi pooSembaruthi makes your hair shiny and controls hair fall.
Dry amlaDry amla has nutrients that are essential for hair growth.
Fenugreek (Vendhayam)Fenugreek increases your hair thickness and boosts scalp health.
KarunjeeragamKarunjeeragam nourishes your hair and reverses hair damage.
Coconut oilCoconut oil is a natural moisturizer for hair. It treats dry hair and cures scalp inflammation.
Vembalam pattai benefits and uses

2. Vembalam pattai benefits for skin:

Vembalam pattai benefits for hair

Actually, the vembalam pattai root is a God-given natural medicine. But we can’t know about the usage, so it’s silently forbidden. It’s very beneficial for treating skin problems, mainly for those who are facing acne, pimples, dark spots, etc. Apart from that, the anti-ageing properties of vembalam pattai make your face blush and blur your skin pores. I help you get the complete skin benefits.

Preparation and benefits of vembalam pattai skin toner:

Steps to prepare vembalam pattai skin toner:

  • Step 1: Buy good-quality vembalam pattai root or powder. The link is provided above.
  • Step 2: Take the ingredients that I mentioned above.
  • Step 3: Before starting, take a steel bowl and a tablespoon.
  • Step 4: First, add vembalam pattai root or powder to the bowl. Add the required amount of water.
  • Step 5: Next, add a tablespoon of jeera and two tablespoons of rose water.
  • Step 6: Finally, boil it for 4 minutes and step out.
  • Step 7: Now it’s time to leave for an hour.
  • Step 8: That’s all. The effective vembalam pattai toner is ready. (Use it three times a week to get effective results.)

Note: Before applying any products to the face, do a patch test. It means applying it to your hands and legs, apart from your facial areas.

Uses of vembalam pattai skin toner:

Ingredients of vembalam pattai skin tonerUses
Vembalam pattai rootIt has anti-ageing properties and brings a youthful appearance to your skin tone.
JeeraJeera water is effective to remove pimples, acne, etc.
Rose waterRose water calms irritated skin and reduces pore size.
Vembalam pattai benefits and uses

3. Vembalam pattai benefits for health:

Vembalam pattai benefits and uses

Generally, all of them had certain health problems in their lives. But most of them feel depressed thinking about their health issues. Don’t worry; let it easily deal with our natural herbs. As I mentioned above, the single root (vembalam pattai) has various health benefits. I explain its complete usage and benefits.

Preparation and benefits of vembalam pattai kashayam:

Steps to prepare vembalam pattai kashayam:

  • Step 1: Buy good-quality raw materials or powders.
  • Step 2: Take all the ingredients that I listed.
  • Step 3: Before starting, take a glass and a tablespoon.
  • Step 4: Put some vembalam pattai root in the glass.
  • Step 5: Add a small amount of ginger.
  • Step 6: Next, add a little bit of jaggery to taste. (Don’t add white sugar.)
  • Step 7: Finally, add hot water and mix it well. (Make sure it’s so hot, or you need to boil it)
  • Step 8: That’s all. Drink this effective vembalam pattai kashayam to kill all the diseases in your body.

Apart from the above-mentioned benefits, this kashayam helps to treat jaundice, boost immunity, strengthen bones, renew skin cells, detox the liver, relieve head aches, control body heat, improve eyesight, etc.

Uses of vembalam pattai kashayam:

Ingredients of vembalam pattai kashayamUses
Vembalam pattai rootMainly, it detoxifies the liver, relieves colds, treats kidney stones, and reduces body heat.
GingerGinger is a powerful antioxidant; it boosts immune power and treats colds.
JaggeryJaggery increases body energy and improves digestion.
Vembalam pattai benefits and uses

Frequently asked questions:

a). Vembalam pattai in english?

The english name of vembalam pattai is “Alkanet root”.

b). How vembalam pattai benefits for hair growth?

Yes, vembalam pattai is very beneficial for hair growth. It stimulates hair follicles and increases blood circulation.

c). Vembalam pattai benefits for skin?

As I mentioned above, it’s very beneficial for the skin. It’s effective in reversing aging and making your skin clear.

d). vembalam pattai uses in english?

Vembalam pattai gives you a healthy body, glowing skin, and gorgeous long hair.


First of all, thank you for spending your valuable time on my blog. I hope this blog content defines some good information about “Vembalam pattai benefits and uses”. It’s a general medicine, so anyone can take it, but avoid it during pregnancy and any serious health issue. That’s all, friends. If you like my blog, kindly share this post with your friends, family, etc. Spread the natural, always vangappa!

By Karthikeyan

Next read the interesting post – karunjeeragam omam vendhayam benefits

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