Karboga arisi benefits for skin

Karboga arisi benefits for skin

Hey friends, In this post we are going to see about Karboga arisi benefits for skin. The english name of karboga arisi is Babchi seed. Nowadays, only a small number of people know about the benefits of karboga arisi. This karboga arisi is effective for treating any skin problems. It’s not only for the skin; the ancient people used this Karboga arisi for treating various health problems.

The major health problems treated using Karboga arisi are reducing blood sugar levels, skin problems, stomach pain, rashes, body heat, reducing sweat odour, drying hair, etc. This rice was mainly found in the regions of India and China. They used this rice for medicinal purposes. Nowadays, you can buy this arisi all around the world with the help of online shopping.

Ok, generally, many of them are facing different types of skin problems like pimples, acne, dry skin, white patches, ezcema, etc. Skin problems are a natural occurrence because they are caused by hormonal changes and a polluted environment. Even though, by handling in a natural way, you can prevent any skin problems. But we are using chemical products to destroy our own skin. Actually, it’s also the major reason for all types of skin problems.

Let’s see the benefits of karboga arisi and the usage.

Karboga arisi benefits for skin

Benefits of karboga arisi for skin:

  1. Reduces pimples and acne
  2. Treats uneven skin tone
  3. Reduces white spots
  4. Treats skin rashes
  5. Skin regeneration
  6. Anti-bacterial and fungal properties
  7. Effective for oily skin
  8. Reduces sweat odor

1. Reduces pimples and acne:

The main cause of pimples and acne is bacterial infection. It is caused by dirt, sweat, sun exposure, improper skin maintenance, and using chemical products. Now, by using karboga arisi powder, it helps to clog your pores and kill the bacteria that causes acne and pimples.

The Kerala people mostly use brown rice and coconut oil; that’s one of the reasons their skin looks shiny and glowing. As well, using Karboga arisi both internally and externally makes your skin blush.

How to use: Mix karboga arisi powder with sandalwood powder and add curd. Make a thick paste and apply it on your face. For oily skin, use rose water or normal water.

2. Treats uneven skin tone:

Karboga arsi is a natural way to lighten your skin. The nutrients present in karboga arisi help to decrease the level of melanin. Higher melanin levels result in darker skin tone, while lower melanin levels result in lighter skin tone. The karboga rice has more nutrients than white rice. By using karboga arisi powder regularly on your face, it makes your skin younger and more even.

The uneven skin tone represents dark spots, white spots, tanned skin, etc.

3. Reduces white spots:

Some of them are facing white spot problems on their bodies; the disease is called vitiligo. In Tamil, it’s called “Ven pulli noi”. It’s caused by the lack of melanin. The ancient people used karboga arisi for treating white spots disease. Some of the older people still recommend Karboga arisi for white spots. But it’s a natural medicine, so any person can see the results only after longer use.

4. Treats skin rashes:

Karboga arisi is very effective for treating skin rashes. Generally, skin rashes are caused by using chemical products, insect bites, body heat, skin dirt, eczema, cellulitis, scabies, rosacea, etc. By using Karboga arisi regularly on the affected area, it helps to reduce skin rashes and also heal the disease. But it’s a slow process, so if you face severe rashes on your skin, you need to contact your nearby skin doctor.

Usage: Karboga arisi powder with curd will helps to reduce skin rashes.

Karboga arisi benefits for skin

5. Skin regeneration:

The skin regeneration process occurs while we are in deep sleep. The anti-ageing properties of karboga arisi help boost your skin regeneration process, it results your skin younger and tighter than before. Also, the tomato is an excellent natural exfoliant; by using karboga arisi with tomato juice makes your face clear and reduces oxidative stress.

Note: Sensitive skin people don’t use tomato because it burns sensitive skin. Instead use rose water.

6. Anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties:

The anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties of karboga arisi help to protect your skin from various skin problems. The nutrients present in karboga arisi boost your skin health. Generally, every person’s skin is different, so try a patch test before using it on your face.

The patch test refers to testing it on your hands or legs before applying it to your face.

7. Effective for oily skin:

People with oily skin are always concerned about their faces because they appear shiny, dull, and so on. However, people with oily skin do not have skin dryness. So, if your skin is oily, you need to manage your skin’s PH level to minimise your skin’s oiliness. By using karboga arsi with multani mitti powder, you can effectively reduce skin oiliness and also brighten your skin.

The best natural soap for oily skin – Check it here.

8. Reduces sweat odor:

During the summer season, we can’t avoid sweat odour in our bodies. So, it’s very difficult to avoid sweat, but using karboga arisi powder helps to observe dirt and smell. The older generation used this powder as a sweat-resistant. So, just try it once.

Usage: Mix karboga arisi powder with nalangu maavu bath powder. Both combinations make it very effective to observe body sweat.

Next Read the interesting post – Nalangu function in english

Frequently asked questions:

a). Karboga arisi benefits for hair:

Karboga arisi is very effective for healthy hair growth by preventing dandruff and controlling hair fall. It increases blood circulation to promote hair growth.

b). Karboga arisi benefits for face:

Yes, Karboga arisi is very effective to make your face glow. The vitamins present in the karboga arisi helps to achieve your face look younger and glower.

c). Karboga arisi in english:

Karboga arisi in english called “Babchi seeds”.


I hope you get some useful information regarding “Karboga arisi benefits for skin”. Karboga arisi has excellent medicinal properties, so use it twice a week to get all the benefits. As previously stated, patch testing should be performed prior to use. It’s a general natural remedy advice, so don’t use it for serious skin problems. Ok, now it’s time to close this post. If you like this post, please share it with your friends, family, etc. Thank you, always, Vangappa!

By Karthikeyan

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Be natural, always Vangappa!